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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon 2019 & Life Update

It's happening!

I am pretty sure nobody still follows this blog, as I have left it alone for around 3 years officially now, and around 4 years unofficially. This is of course because A LOT of things have changed in these past years. I moved to a different continent, started and finished my Bachelors in University, got a job, now moved again to a different country less than a month ago and am going to start a new job. 

I decided to get back into my reading more actively, mainly because of the amount of free time I have now to focus on my hobbies and things I love instead of constantly working and studying which only left just enough time to sleep. Of course I have been reading in these 3 years, just not as much as I would have liked, and also without reviewing the books I read as I so much loved doing.