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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon 2019 & Life Update

It's happening!

I am pretty sure nobody still follows this blog, as I have left it alone for around 3 years officially now, and around 4 years unofficially. This is of course because A LOT of things have changed in these past years. I moved to a different continent, started and finished my Bachelors in University, got a job, now moved again to a different country less than a month ago and am going to start a new job. 

I decided to get back into my reading more actively, mainly because of the amount of free time I have now to focus on my hobbies and things I love instead of constantly working and studying which only left just enough time to sleep. Of course I have been reading in these 3 years, just not as much as I would have liked, and also without reviewing the books I read as I so much loved doing. 

Over the years I also picked up some other hobbies that I am hoping to get back into such as Photography and Writing (Yes, #NaNoWriMo is happening and I am full on #NaNoPrep mode). What better way to get back into reading and reviewing other than participating in a readathon? I am hoping to also host a mini-challenge as a "Thank you" to this community as it has been dear to my heart for years now, ever since I was in high school.
Where once it gave me such joy to be part of something so amazing, now it is time for me to help and allow others to feel this way. 

I became more of a schedule freak over these years and am planning to scheduling in more posts on my blog as well to bring it back to life and hope that the community is still around somewhere and is as welcoming as it has always been. 

If you want to follow up on my writing during NaNoWriMo and my progress during the 24 Hour Readathon make sure to check out my twitter @Eaton_boy and don't forget to participate in the readathon yourself here.

For NaNoWriMo, I am planning another post coming up next week. If you're still reading this and are interested, keep an eye out for that! 

Until next time! 

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